How to Educate about Carbon Management
How to use this section
You will find an introductory slide deck and a series of flyers with topics including safety, storage, and co-benefits. Use these materials to educate stakeholders about the crucial role carbon management plays in addressing climate change and how they can participate in project deployment.
Introduction to Carbon Management Slide Deck
While carbon management technologies have been around for a while, many people are hearing about them for the first time. To address concerns and build trust, it’s important to explain carbon management, how the technologies work, and what their role is in addressing climate change and creating and preserving jobs.

This ready-made PowerPoint presentation covers the following topics:
- What is carbon management
- Carbon management’s role in addressing climate change
- Carbon management as a jobs creator
- Policy drivers of carbon management
- and more
Carbon Management Flyers
Whether you’re hosting a public engagement meeting, visiting a classroom, or tabling an event, it helps to have resources that are eye-catching and make sense. These educational flyers cover key topics in carbon management and explain concepts in ways that are easy to understand. Print these off and take them with you to your next public meeting
Carbon Management Videos
Educational videos can be a helpful tool in raising awareness and understanding of carbon management. They provide an engaging and visually compelling way to convey complex information, making it accessible to a broader audience. To make the most of these videos, consider sharing them on social media, incorporating them into community meetings, and using them as discussion starters to foster deeper engagement and learning.